Junaid Zia Hashmi, Ammarah Ghafoor, Arifa Zia Hashmi, Shaheer Anwar, Zubair Siddiqui, Kanza Zia Hashmi.
A case report of coexistence of ectopic lingual thyroid with hypoplastic normal thyroid gland..
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;70(2):351-3.

Ectopic lingual thyroid along with a normally located thyroid gland is an uncommon condition caused by an aberrant descent of thyroid during embryogenesis. It is more common among females and expresses during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. It is mostly associated with hypothyroidism. Patient usually presents with complaints of dysphagia, dysphonia and suffocation. Treatment of choice depends upon the primary complaint of the patient. We present the case of a young female who underwent tracheostomy to relieve respiratory tract obstruction during puberty and was later diagnosed as a case of ectopic lingual thyroid by radioactive iodine uptake and CT scan imaging. She had an associated hypothyroidism; patient was then put on thyroxine and after making her euthyroid she was operated by transoral route and her ectopic lingual thyroid was removed. She was discharged on a maintenance dose of thyroxin.

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