Suhail Dilawar Arain, Arif Ali Shaikh, Saeed Ahmed Khan, Mumtaz Ali Chandio.
Hypocitraturia in the treated patients of urolithiasis.
Rawal Med J Jun ;45(3):626-8.

Objective: To determine the frequency of hypocitraturia in the treated patient of urolithiasis in Karachi, Pakistan. Methodology: This is a cross sectional study was conducted in department of urology at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi from January to December 2018 for a period of one year. It included 170 patients who had been treated for stone disease and were stone free at the time of study. We measured 24 hours urinary excretion of citrate by enzymatic citrate lyase analysis (Bergmeyer method). Results: Out of 170 patients, 115 (67.65%) were male while 55(32.35%) were female. Mean age was 39.34+-11.87 years. Average urinary citrate level was 262+-199 mg/day. Hypocitraturia turned out to be <320mg/day in 119(70%) patients and 51 (30%) patients had normal urinary citrate levels. Hypocitraturia was more in patients with stone size more than 2 cm and disease duration greater than 2 months with significant difference (p=0.001 and p=0.012, respectively). Conclusion: Hypocitraturia is the most common metabolic disorder and an important risk factor in stone formation particularly in calcium stones. Dietary modifications should also be used in conjunction with medical therapy.

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