Kiran Shaukat Ali, Nighat Tahir.
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards evidence-based practice among occupational therapists of Karachi.
Pak J Rehabil Jun ;9(2):18-25.

OBJECTIVE: Evidence-based practice is considered as keystone in this advanced era of clinical practices. Little evidence regarding the use of evidence in practice among Occupational therapists is available both nationally and internationally. A number of specific organizational factor that affects the practice are evident in clinical setting. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice among occupational therapists as a new paradigm. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among Occupational therapists recruited through the non-probability sampling technique. STUDY SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The data was collected through Questionnaire adapted from Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) American College of Sports Medicine (APTA). Only 26 OT were recruited from a sample of 30 with mean age of 23.9±2.27. RESULTS: The findings of this study revealed that 46.2% have knowledge of EBP however, 53.8% participants do not take into account patient preferences while 34.65% use professional literature in clinical decision making. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that majority of the occupational therapists have knowledge of Evidence-based practice but these are not implicated in to clinical practice and patient management. Therefore, further studies are required in the domain to evaluate the knowledge of therapist and its implication into patient care

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