Hamid Ali Kalwar, Tauqeer Shaikh, Muhammad Hussain Baloch.
Concurrent Arterial and Venous Thrombosis in a patient with Ulcerative Colitis in Remission Phase..
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;31(2):215-7.

Vascular thrombosis is an unusual yet well-known extra-intestinal complication of ulcerative colitis, usually involving the peripheral veins and occasionally the cerebral veins and the arterial system. We, herein, report a case of a 45-year female with ulcerative colitis in remitting phase presenting with anemia and right lower limb swelling and discoloration due to extensive arterial and venous thrombosis. Early and accurate diagnosis of thrombotic complications is essential to start limb-saving and life-saving therapy. Key Words: Thrombotic, Ulcerative colitis.

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