Arshad Beg, Osama Ahmed Qureshi, Faisal Siddiqui, Nadeem Khurshaidi.
Retroperitoneal necrotizing fasciitis in a 42-year-old male patient: a case report..
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;70(10):1857-9.

Necrotizing fasciitis are rare but often fatal conditions. A retroperitoneal origin is very rare and limited to case studies; very few cases have been reported in the literature. We report a case of 42-year-old man who presented with complaints of severe constipation and paraumbilical abdominal pain for the past three days. On examination, the abdomen was tender and distended, giving features of bowel obstruction. CT scan suggested perforated appendix. Subsequent exploration revealed retroperitoneal necrotizing fasciitis extending down to right testicular tissue. After extensive debridement and drain placement, the patient was admitted to the ICU where with intensive monitoring and aggressive daily dressing the patient survived. Necrotizing fasciitis of other anatomical sites are easier to diagnose as compared to retroperitoneal origin. Focus should be placed while dealing with cases of acute abdomen as early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention is needed for successful treatment.

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