Tehmina Sattar, Sonia Jameel, Muhammad Aslam.
Socio-Psychological Stress among Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients: a Cross Sectional study of State Based Hospitals in Multan, Pakistan.
Pak Paed J Jun ;44(4):339-44.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the socio-psychological stress among Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) patients. Study design: A cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted from Children Complex Hospital and Nishtar Medical Hospital from the period of October 2018-January 2019. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional data was comprised of n=256 registered T1DM juvenile patients having the age span of 7-18 years. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect the data through multistage sampling technique. Results: Among the total respondents, 233 (91.0%) have responded that they feel sad and depressed due to T1DM disease. Majority of the respondents (227: 88.7%) have argued that they have depressive and emotionally collapsed symptoms due to this disease. The arguments are extended by large number of respondents (i.e., 92.2%) who say that their parents feel financial stress due to expenses of their disease. A considerable number of respondents (i.e., 66.0%) also report that they are close to panic condition as their disease have far reaching negative implications on their psychological state (68.0%) and personality development (188, 73.4%). Conclusion: T1DM is strongly associated with socio-psychological stress among the affected children and their parents. This disease has direct implications on psychological state of the juveniles comprising of stress, depression, panic, nervous tension, diffused family environment and collapsed parental marital relations. Adhesive role of parents, adaptation of problem solving regimes, supportive family interventions, diabetes management goals and collaborative parental involvement leads towards better management of T1DM among juvenile patients.

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