Maha Aslam, Ajmal Yousaf, Faisal Bhangar, Syeda Fatima Tu Zahra, Nazish Iftikhar, Laila Shah Khan.
Most commonly used matrix band system for class II restoration.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;41(1):32-4.

The aim of this study is to find the most commonly used matrix band system by restorative dentist in class II restoration. This study was conducted from 1st November 2019 to 31st January 2020 after obtaining approval from the final year students, House officer, post graduate resident and faculty members of operative dentistry department from the tertiary care dental hospitals of Karachi and Islamabad were enrolled in the study. A questionnaire was developed to assess the knowledge and attitude of participants regarding the most commonly used matrix band system among the restorative dentist to avoid the potential problems of overhanging restoration. Response of the participants was analyzed & calculated by SPSS version 23. Within limitation of this study it is concluded that 68% of restorative dentists used tofflemire matrix band along with dental wedges while restoring class II cavity.

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