Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam, Muhammad Saeed Qureshi, Pervez Iqbal, Sufian Ahmed, Iram Gull, Zaigham Abbas, Aizaz-ul Haq.
Growing antibiotic Resistance is a Massive Threat to Health System.
J Akhtar Saeed Med Coll Jun ;2(1):25-30.

Antibiotic resistance has become a worldwide problem and a massive threat to the health system, particularly in developing countries. a number of factors such as excessive use of antibiotics in the dairy industry, poultry industry, dosage effect, non-professional doctors especially in rural areas, selfmedication, and misuse of antibiotics are contributing towards antibiotic resistance. The astonishing genetic capacity of bacteria to resist antibiotics is due to over usage of antibiotics and transmission of resistant genes to further generations through horizontal gene transfer. The basic mechanisms of antibiotic resistance are the degradation of different drugs used against bacteria by enzymes, changes in proteins that have to be targeted by antibiotics, and alterations in permeability of membrane toward different antibiotics. The growing antibiotic resistance is a problem not only in underdeveloped countries but also in developed countries. This review addresses different aspects of antibiotic resistance, mechanisms, factors involved, and future impact of growing antibiotic resistance

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