Salma Ilyas, Rabia Khawar, Rukia Safdar Bajwa, Asma Sheraz.
Psychological Distress in Relation to Bullying/Victimization at Secondary Schools.
J Pak Psych Soc Jun ;18(1):15-21.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate psychological distress experienced by students as a result of bullying and victimization. Gender and grade differences were also observed. STUDY DESIGN: Cross sectional research design. PLACE AND DURATION OF THE STUDY: Different public sector secondary schools of Faisalabad were approached during a period of 3 months from February 2016 to September 2016. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A convenient sample of 247 students was drawn from respondents and Olweus Bully Victim Questionnaire was used to classify students into bullies, victims, bully-victims and the students who were not involved. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale was used as a measure of psychological distress. RESULTS: Results of One way ANOVA showed that Victims of bullying was the most vulnerable group to be affected by depression and anxiety, as compared with uninvolved students, all the three involved groups experienced significantly greater levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) showed significant main effects of gender and grade on depression and anxiety and the same was true for interaction effect. Girls in lower grades were more depressed and anxious. CONCLUSION: Psychological distress among bully/victim groups is discussed for contributory factors and necessary preventive actions.

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