Sheikh Atiq-ur Rehman, Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Khizer Hayat, Usman Rizvi, Rashid Mahmmod, Sajida Naseem.
Frequency of hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery.
Pak J Surg Jun ;37(2):87-93.

Introduction: Hypocalcaemia is the feared complication after total or near-total thyroidectomy. Symptoms like numbness, tingling and carpopedal spasm occurs in early post-operative period due to primary parathyroid deficiency or due to transient ischemia. Objectives: To determine the frequency of hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery. Study design: Descriptive, case series. Settings: Department of General Surgery, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur. Study duration: 1st November 2018 to 31st October 2020 Material & Methods: Total 113 patients with benign goiter of duration < 5 years undergoing surgery, 20-60 years of age of both genders were selected. Patients with pre-operative hypocalcaemia, recurrent goiter, sub-acute thyroiditis, and CRF were excluded. All patients were undergone near-total or total thyroidectomy. All patients were followed by the researcher himself and in all patients, 5 ml of venous blood was collected from ante-cubital vein under aseptic precaution and serum calcium was determined by colorimetric method. Outcome variable i.e. hypocalcemia (present/absent) were noted in each patient at 7th day post-operatively. Results: Age range in this study was from 20 to 60 years with mean age of 42.84 +- 8.83 years. Majority of the patients 70 (61.95%) were between 41 to 60 years of age. Out of the 113 patients, 44 (38.94%) were male and 69 (61.06%) were females with male to female ratio of 1:1.6. Hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery was found in 14 (12.39%) patients, whereas there was no hypocalcemia in 99 (87.61%) patients. Conclusion: This study concluded that percentage of hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery was found in 12.39% patients.

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