Naeem S, Ali B S, Iqbal A, Mubeen S, Gul A.
Spontaneous recovery from Depression in Women: a Qualitative Study of Vulnerabilities, Strengths and Resources.
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;54(2):49-51.

Objective: To gain insight into the perceived vulnerability and restitution factors for anxiety/or depression. Methods: Focus group discussion of seven married women recovered spontaneously from anxiety and/or depression, belonging to a lower middle class semi-urban community of Karachi. Results: Poverty, unemployment, abuse and on going difficulties were perceived as risk factors for depression. A reliable social support system, positive thinking approach, faith, prayers, and experiencing a "turning point" event were reported as factors that promoted recovery from anxiety and/or depression. Conclusion: Individual vulnerabilities, strengths and resources can have an important role in recovery from anxiety and/or depression in women (JPMA 54:49;2004).

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