Nida Nasir Kiani, Tooba Mehboob, Naila Tabassam, Muhammad Faheem, Rabia Aslam, Irfan Bashir, Talha Jamshaid.
Awareness and Knowledge of Self-Assessment Tools for Breast Cancer among Female Students in Lahore, Pakistan.
Pak J Public Health Jun ;11(1):47-50.

Background: The objective of this study is to create awareness about breast cancer among female students or other female population by evaluating their knowledge and perception towards the disease Methods: A Questionnaire bases study was conducted on 110 female students of University on Central Punjab, Lahore. Results: The results showed the insufficient knowledge of breast cancer among large number of female university students. About 53.6% students were well informed about meaning of breast self-examination (BSE) and only 39.1% female students were aware of steps involved in breast self-examination. Conclusion: Overall, the students had limited knowledge of risk factors and sign and symptoms of breast cancer

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