Mishaal Fazal, Talha Khawar, Zawar Raza, Laiba Maryam, Arshia Bilal, Shamaila Burney.
Compliance and Etiquettes of Using Face Masks in Public during COVID-19 Pandemic: a Community-Based Survey from Islamabad, Pakistan.
Pak J Public Health Jun ;11(2):79-86.

Background: To determine the frequency of general public compliant to face mask and also to evaluate knowledge and practice of using face mask in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) and National Institute of Health (NIH) guidelines in our community. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive design was adopted. A sample of 190 people was recruited from public areas in Islamabad during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted over a period of two months between November and December 2020. Knowledge and etiquettes of face mask use were evaluated with the help of a self-developed questionnaire based on WHO and NIH guidelines. Statistical tests were applied to understand the association of knowledge with etiquettes and also to see the effects of demographic variables on them. Results: This study revealed that one fourth of the sample population was not wearing face masks in public. More than half were not concerned about COVID-19 pandemic and only one third knew about the national policy related to face mask usage. Only one-tenth of the population wore the correct type of mask recommended for general public use (cloth mask). The participant’s performance in the etiquette aspect of using face mask was also poor. Conclusion: The general public is unaware of Pakistan’s national policy on face masks. Although majority of the study population was compliant with wearing masks in public, results were unsatisfactory in terms of their etiquette. Effort is needed to increase the general public’s concern in value of using face mask and awareness about correct techniques.

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