Muhammad Imran Hussain, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Nasir, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq, Ali Ahmad Sheikh, Arfat Yousaf Shaheen, Ashraf Mahmood.
Immune boosting role of vitamin E against pulmonary tuberculosis..
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;32(1):269-76.

Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of mortality in Pakistan which is linked with malnutrition and weak immunity. Such people are more prone to chronic infections including TB. The current study aimed to assess the effect of supplementation of Vitamin E on the immune status of human subjects against pulmonary tuberculosis. A total of 80 patients with pulmonary TB were divided into treatment group (vitamin E) and control group (Anti-tuberculosis regime). Presence of acid fast bacilli in sputum sample, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total leucocytes counts, body mass index and mid arm muscle circumference (MAMC) were recorded as per standard protocol. Levels of vitamin E, IgG, IgM and T-Cell count were determined before and after treatment. The results showed that 16% males and 33% females were underweight who consumed 1145 kcal energy instead of 2270 kcal per day and 19.5 gram protein instead of 78.6 grams. A non significant effect of vitamin E on ESR and TLC values was observed but significant increase in level of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM) and T-cell types (CD4+ and CD8+) was observed in patients as compared to control group. Results indicate that vitamin E plays important role in enhancing immunity of patients against TB.

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