Belqees Yawar Faiz, Zainab Malik, Khurram Khaliq Bhinder.
Imaging Features of Sinusitis and its Complications.
J Islamic Int Med Coll Jun ;16(2):112-6.

Objective: To study the radiological features of sinusitis, its intracranial and orbital complications. Study Design: A case series design. Place and Duration of Study: Radiology Department, Shifa International Hospital, from March 16, 2016, to June 28, 2018. Materials and Methods: A total of 7 patients were selected from the radiology database retrospectively from March 16, 2016, to June 28, 2018.of these patients had their MRI and CT scans done at Shifa International Hospital. CT scan was performed on Toshiba aquilion1, double detector 320 slices, and MRI was performed on Toshiba-titan 1.5 tesla. The literature review was also done to identify different complications of sinusitis. Result: Out of 7 patients, 3 patients showed pansinusitis with meningitis and intra-orbital extension causing cellulitis and inflammation, all of them showed bony erosions and developed cavernous sinus thrombosis. Amongst these a 32-year-old female patient developed left cavernous sinus thrombosis, with ophthalmic vein occlusion with loss of the left eye and was followed by enucleation, she developed left ICA thrombosis with watershed ischemic infarcts in the left cerebral hemisphere. The remaining 4 patients had pansinusitis with intra-orbital and intracranial extension, without cavernous sinus thrombosis One amongst the 7 patients had severe sphenoid sinusitis with evidence of fungal infection on MRI with intracranial and intra-orbital extension. Conclusion: Imaging plays a vital role in the diagnosis of sinusitis. It displays all the details of paranasal sinuses and surrounding structures including orbits and the brain. Though CT scan depicts the involvement of the bones, yet MRI is more accurate for the extension of the disease into the orbital apex, cavernous sinus, and brain.

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