Hafiz Muhammad Shohaib, Salik Nawaz, Abdul Matin.
Methanolic extract of Peganum harmala exhibit potent activity against Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts and its encystment in vitro..
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;29(6):1993-6.

Acanthamoeba castellanii is member of free living amoeba that may cause painful sight-threatening keratitis and life threatening encephalitis which involves central nervous system. Treatments for both infections are problematic because of the amoebic cysts resistance to therapeutic agents. Here we evaluated in vitro strength of methanolic seed extract of Peganum harmala on Acanthamoeba cysts and its encystment mechanism. Our results revealed seed extracts (1 to 30mg/ml) exhibited amoebicidal effects against Acanthamoeba cysts. Furthermore Acanthamoeba encystment was also inhibited in concentration dependent manner with maximum inhibition at 2microg/ml after 48h incubation. In conclusion, we demonstrated for the first time that methanolic extracts exhibit remarkable inhibition of Acanthamoeba cysts and encystment in vitro which could serve a potential new natural agent against Acanthamoeba.

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