Syed Rashidali Jaffary, Syed Waseemuddin Ahmed, Sadia Shakeel, Hafiz Muhammad Asif, Khan Usmanghani.
in vitro antioxidant and reducing capability of weight loss tablet formulation..
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;29(5-S):1749-53.

Antioxidants are used as an influential counteractive measure in opposing the generation of reactive oxygen species. The current study was carried out to investigate antioxidant potential and reducing capability of developed weight reducing tablet formulation. When tablets were evaluated at concentrations of 50, 100 and 500mu/ml, antioxidant activity improved in a dose depending way just similar to standard Butylated hydroxyl anisol (BHA). For evaluation of reducing ability the formulation under test evaluated at concentrations of 50, 100 and 500mu/ml and it was observed that formulation contain good reducing capability and possess considerable activity to scavenge super oxide radicals. In-vitro analysis of weight reducing tablets formulation showed considerable antioxidant and reducing capacity that will be supportive in averting the development of a variety of oxidative stress-related diseases.

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