Rukhsana Abdul Sattar, Syed Ahmad, Shabeer Hussain, Irtiaz Rizvi S M, Jamal Ara.
Frequency of Lipid abnormalities in essential Hypertension.
J Surg Pak Jun ;7(4):2-4.

Hypertension is one of the three primary risk factors responsible for coronary heart disease. The other two risks being Hyperlipidemia and smoking. Purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of lipid abnormalities inpatients with essential hypertension. Study subjects were 50 patients with .essential hypertension. Their lipid profiles were studied as per National Cholesterol education guidelines; 20(40%) had cholesterol level above 200mg/dl, While 11(22%) patients had triglyceride over 250mg/dl. 12(24%) patients had LDL-C > 130mg/dl and 26(52%) patient had HDL-C <40mg/dl. The results indicate that decreased HDL-C is the most common variety of dyslipidemia inpatients with essential hypertension and dyslipidemia frequently co-exist with essential hypertension.

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