Kanwal Sohail, Mahrukh Zafar, Maham Zulfiqar, Amber Kiyani.
The effect of ovariectomy on women’s periodontal status: a pilot study.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;71(3):1071-74.

Objective: To determine the effect of bilateral oophorectomy on the periodontal status of otherwise healthy women when compared with normal controls. Study Design: Mixed-method study. Place and Duration of Study: Riphah International University, Islamabad, from Apr to Sep 2016. Methodology: A total of 24 women with and without oophorectomy procedures were recruited. Twelve women who has undergone radical hysterectomies at least 6 months prior to the evaluation were recruited for this investigation. These women underwent a comprehensive oral examination with detailed documentation of their periodontal status following a thorough medical/dental history. An age- and sex-matched control population underwent a similar examination. Results: Statistically significant results were noted for probing, color, consistency, texture and contour of gingiva with the p-value of 0.007, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005 and 0.037 when the results were compared with the control population. Conclusion: Bilateral oophorectomy does not compromise the periodontal health of otherwise healthy women.

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