Mussarrat Niazi, Fazli Raziq.
The incidence of underlying pathology in Pancytopenia - an experience of 89 cases.
J Postgrad Med Inst Jun ;18(1):76-9.

Objective: The aim of this study is to compare retospectively, the incidence of underlying pathology and the salient clinical features of pancytopenia in northern region of Pakistan. Material and Methods: 89 cases of pancytopenia were included in the study over a period of one year at the Department of Pathology, Post graduate Medical Institute Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan,. Results: Majority of the patients (71%) fall in the age groups of 130 years. Weakness was the main presenting feature (68.2%) while pallor was the predominant clinical feature (98.8%). The most common cause of pancytopenia as revealed by bone marrow was Aplastic Anemia (38.3%) followed by Megaloblastic Anemia (24.7%). Conclusion: Aplastic anemia , Megaloblastic anemia, Hypersplenism and Acute leukemia are the most common causes of Pancytopenia in Northern region of Pakistan.

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