Andaleeb Ara, Khurram Akhtar, Amjad Mahmood, Sana Imtiaz, Tufail, Hajira Akbar, Nadeem Sadiq.
Cardiac rhabdomyoma with severe right ventricular outflow tract obstruction palliated with ductal stenting – a case report.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;71(Sup-2):S425-27.

We present this case of cardiac rhabdomyoma in a term baby presenting with peripheral and central cyanosis. On echocardiography multiple masses were noted occupying the right ventricle and the adjacent myocardium. There was evidence of right ventricle outflow tract obstruction causing functional pulmonary atresia. A small patent ductus arteriosus was seen supplying the lungs. After instituting supportive treatment and consulting the cardiac surgical team palliation was decided. Balloon atrial septostomy and ductal stenting was done on 7th day of life.

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