Usman Yousaf, Aaqil Malik, Annam Imtiaz, Mumar Shah, Fareeha Bokhari, Maria Usman, Amina Tariq.
Gender Based Discrimination of Tanaka and Johnston Regression Equation in Pakistani Population.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;15(1):103-5.

Aim: This study aimed to check the gender related variances in the mesiodistal dimensions of the mandibular incisors, all the canines and premolars and to develop new prediction equations for Pakistani males and females separately. Methodology: Patients coming to orthodontic department with the age between 14 years to 24 years were included in the study which was 200 in total among which 100 were males and 100 were females. Results: These equations were showing the significant gender dimorphism among this specific group of Pakistani population for the predicting the unerupted canine as well as premolars` sizes. Conclusion: New as well as more reliable prediction equations for Pakistani males and females were derived from this study.

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