Akmal Laeeq Chishty, Muhammad Yasin Alvi, Muhammad Saleem.
Clinical study of infants of diabetic mothers.
Pak Paed J Jun ;21(2):65-9.

The Clinical spectra of 81 live born infants of diabetic mothers are presented alongwith observed complications during pregnancy and labor. They were delivered in the Lady Willingdon Hospital attached to King Edward Medical College, Lahore and studied prospectively over a period from June 1995 to Jan 1996. 39% diabetic mothers were age > 35 years and > gravida 5.75% mothers were gestational diabetics. 60% mothers were booked in the diabetic centre in the hospital antenatally. 52% mothers received insulin, 24% on dietary modifications and 22% did not receive am treatment. 60% mothers received treatment only during last month of pregnancy. Fetal distress during pregnancy and labour was noted in 37% cases and cesarian section was done in 79% cases. 50% neonates were large, 47% appropriate and 3% small for gestation. 69% neonates were preterm at birth. The observed neonatal morbidities were hypoglycemia 66%, respiratory distress 37%, birth trauma 9.8%, hyperbilirubienemia 14.8% congenital malformation 9.8% polycythemia 4.9%. Overall mortality was 13.5% with respiratory distress as the most frequent cause of death. It is concluded that late antenatal diagnosis and booking with poor patient compliance on treatment during pregnancy, especially with advancing maternal age and grand multiparity are contributory towards high neonatal morbidity and mortality. An urgent need is felt to promote health education among pregnant women to come for antenatal visits as soon as possible during pregnancy for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus alongwith continued surveillance on metabolic control throughout pregnancy.

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