Ameet Kumar Jesrani, Syed Muhammad Faiq, Tahir Aziz, Muhammed Mubarak, Rehan Mohsin, Tariq Ali, Nida Amin Khan, Sanam Qadir.
Role of sonoelastography in evaluation of renal allograft dysfunction taking histopathology as gold standard.
Pak J Radiol Jun ;32(2):59-64.

Background: Renal Transplant is a lifesaving surgery for patients with renal failure. There is myriad of complications which can result in failure of the grafted kidney. In order to avoid these, close watch is kept on patients` general heath, blood and urine parameters. However, these complications often develop sub clinically and before any abnormality shows up in blood investigations, the damage is already done and possible irreversiblility in functional parameters. Hence, any noninvasive and practical method of keeping check on earliest changes in renal graft parenchyma will be renal graft saving and so, lifesaving. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of shear wave elastography in the diagnosis of chronic allograft nephropathy taking histopathological findings as gold standard. Methods: A total of 176 patients and control group of 176 are included in this study conducted from April 2021 to September 2021. Patients with reduced GFR and having increased creatinine levels along with already biopsy proven chronic renal allograft nephropathy were enrolled in this study. Shearwave Sonoelastography was performed and findings of Sonoelastography were correlated with biopsy and recorded on proforma. Results: The average age of the patients was 36.23 +- 10.09 years. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV and diagnostic accuracy of sonoelastography for detection of chronic allograft dysfunction was 90.90%, 97.27%%, 95.23% and 94.69% and diagnostic accuracy was 94.88% respectively. Conclusion: Shearwave Sonoelastography is very useful non-invasive technique in evaluation of chronic allograft dysfunction which may alarm change in ongoing treatment and therefore invasive technique like biopsy can be avoided.

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