Anam Ali, Sadia Abbas, Asad Ali Khan, Sami Ullah, Ali Salman Khan.
Development and Validation of an Indigenous Scale of the Fear Contracting COVID-19.
J Pak Society Int Med Jun ;2(2):140-4.

Objective: COVID-19 pandemic has negative psychological impact on people and led to fear, anxiety, stress and depression among general population. So, the present study is aimed to develop and validate a scale for assessing fear related to COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Items of the scale were constructed from existing literature of COVID-19 and evaluation from experts. Descriptive study was conducted on 980 participants using convenient sampling technique. Results: Sample was collected from general population of age 18 years and above. Demographic questionnaire and Fear contracting COVID-19 scale was administered to measure the intensity of fear experienced by people under COVID-19 pandemic situation. A principal axis factor analysis was conducted on 4 items with Varimax rotation to check the factor structure of the Fear construct. One factor had eigenvalue over Kaiser's criterion of 1 and explained a cumulative variance of 63.77%. Factor loading of all items was strong (0.76 to 0.83). Cronbach alpha of the scale was 0.82. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that Fear contracting COVID-19 is a reliable and valid scale to assess fear of COVID-19 among general population.

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