Muhammad Ali Rathore, Mommana Ali Rathore, Saadiya Mushtaq, Inaam Qadir Javed Hashmi, Abdur Rehman Hashmi, Khadeeja Tul Kubra Hashmi.
Internal quality control of red cell concentrates in a regional blood center..
Professional Med J Jun ;29(5):698-700.

Objective: To assess the quality of the whole blood-derived red cell concentrates by measuring hematocrit. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Regional Transfusion Center in Rawalpindi. Period: February to December 2019. Material & Methods: A total of 390 whole blood-derived red cell concentrates were included using a random sampling technique. These units were evaluated for hematocrit which is a hematological parameter using Sysmex Hematology Analyzer XP 100. The measurement of hematocrit was expressed as the mean range and standard deviation (mean ± SD) using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 390 whole blood-derived red cell concentrates were subjected to quality analysis by measuring the hematocrit. The mean range of hematocrit was found to be 68.4 ± 4.8 g/dL. The hematocrit of 98.7% units was in compliance with standard criteria according to the American Association of blood banks which suggested it to be less than 80%. Conclusion: The results of this study showed an optimum level of conformity of the quality of whole blood-derived Red Cell Concentrates with International Standards.

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