Hamid-ur Rehman, Sana Ullah Jan, Nazli Gul, Waliullah Jan.
Visual Outcome after Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) with Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide in Complicated Cataracts.
Al-Shifa J Ophthalmol Jun ;17(4):165-71.

Objective: To determine visual outcomes after manual small incision cataract surgery in eyes with complicated cataract with Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide (IVTA). Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, interventional case series Place and duration: This study was carried out at Eye department Hayatabad medical complex Peshawar for duration of 6 months. Material and Methods: A total of 196 patients were included. Patients with complicated cataract, base line visual acuity of at least positive projection to light in all quadrants (PL+ve), and male and female of any age were included. Eyes of patients with retinal detachment, intraocular inflammation, corneal opacity and dislocated or subluxated lens were excluded. Results: In this study most of the patients (37%) were in age range 20 - 30 years followed by 32% patients were in age range of 31- 40 years. Mean age was 29 with SD +- 1.26. Sixty two percent were male patients, whereas female patients were 38%. Improvement in the visual acuity was noted in 40% of patients, while the rest 60% had stable visual acuity. Conclusion: Our study concludes that, intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide improves visual outcome after manual small incision cataract surgery in complicated cataract.

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