Sajid Rehman Randhawa, M Yaqoob, Tayyaba Fatima.
Frequency of post-operative pain in thyroid surgery with or without use of ligasure..
Professional Med J Jun ;29(12):1826-30.

Objective: To compare mean postoperative pain score and analgesia requirement in thyroid surgery with or without use of Ligasure. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial. Setting: Department of Surgical, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad. Period: one year March 2018 to March 2019. Material & Methods: All included patients were randomly allocated into two groups. Group ā€˜Lā€™ underwent thyroid surgery with Ligasure without diathermy and group ā€˜Cā€™ patients underwent thyroid surgery with conventional knot and tie technique using sutures and diathermy. Data was entered in questionnaire. Results: Comparison of mean pain score shows that 2.2+0.66 in Group-L and 2.88+0.77 in Group-C, p value was 0.0001. Comparison of postoperative analgesia requirement in thyroid surgery with or without use of Ligasure shows that analgesia requirement in Group-L was 7.5% (n=6) and 23.75 % (n=19) in Group-C, p value was 0.004. Conclusion: The mean postoperative pain score and analgesia requirement in thyroid surgery with the use of Ligasure was significantly reduced when compared to those without it.

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