Farhan Zeb, Imran Qadir, Sheraz Zafar, Sobia Ahmed Qureshi, Asif Khan, Saqib Parveiz.
Frequency of hyperthermia in acute ischemic stroke patients presenting to tertiary care hospital..
Professional Med J Jun ;30(7):841-5.

Objective: To determine frequency of hyperthermia in acute ischemic stroke patients. Study Design: Descriptive Cross-sectional study. Setting: Department of Medicine, M T I-H M C, Peshawar. Period: January, 2020 to Dec, 2020. Material & Methods: All patients admitted through emergency Deptt was included in the study keeping in view inclusion criteria. All patients' axillary temperatures were checked using a mercury thermometer at the time of admission and every six hours for three days. To determine whether hyperthermia met the practical meaning of the term, daily follow-up was conducted. All of the data was entered into a pre-designed proforma. Results: Mean age was recorded as 65.5+7.67 years and mean BMI was 26+1.65kg/m2. 107 (51.94%) patients were recorded as male patients, 99 (48.05%) patients were recorded female patients.32 (15.53%) patients were recorded with hyperthermia. Risk factors were traced in 91.26% had history of hypertension, 84.46% had diabetes mellitus and 78.15% had smoking history. P-value with advancing age (p=0.020) and severity of stroke (p=0.278). Conclusion: It has been concluded in our study that hyperthermia in ischemic stroke should be looked as it has significant impact on the outcome.

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