Sidra Rauf, Fahad Akhtar, Kanza Farrukh, Aiman Noor, Manzer Mehmood.
A Case Report on Abdominal Cocoon Syndrome Cocoon Syndrome.
J Islamabad Med Dent Coll Jun ;12(2):150-2.

Abdominal cocoon syndrome (ACS) is encapsulation of the abdominal organs by thick fibro-collagenous material forming cocoons. On the basis of the part of abdominal organ encapsulated, ACS is classified into three types. Patients with this condition usually present with intestinal obstruction. We present a case who presented to us with features of intestinal obstruction and was diagnosed as a rare case of abdominal cocoon syndrome on CT scan. He was managed operatively where adhenolysis was performed and patient had uneventful recovery. CT scan is found to be the investigation of choice. Laparotomy with excision of membrane overlying bowel loops is the treatment most commonly adopted by surgeons and it has satisfactory results.

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