Asima Rafique, Muhammad Shaheer, Ummara Rasheed.
Ergonomics in ophthalmology practice: cross-sectional survey among pakistani ophthalmologists.
Khyber Med Uni Med J Jun ;14(2):110-15.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the ergonomic practices and prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among Pakistani ophthalmologists. METHODS: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted at College of Ophthalmology and Allied Vision Sciences/Eye Unit III (King Edward Medical University), Lahore, Pakistan from 01-03-2021 to 31-08-2021. A web-based close ended questionnaire (Google form) was developed consisting of questions related to posture in out-patient and operating room in addition to questions related to musculoskeletal symptoms, their effect on routine practice, management. Questionnaire was circulated via a social media application (WhatsApp) to ophthalmologists across Pakistan. Ophthalmologists at various levels of healthcare were included in study. One hundred and seven ophthalmologists consented to part of study and recorded their responses in questionnaire which were then evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty (18.7%) of the participants were diagnosed as having musculoskeletal disorders. Lower back pain was the main symptom in 39 (36.4%) survey responders while 38 (35.5%) of them reported decreased clinical productivity owing to symptoms. Twenty-five (23.36%) participants had to modify their OPD activity owing to development of musculoskeletal symptoms (p<0.01). Majority of those diagnosed with musculoskeletal symptoms adopted neutral spine postures (ergonomically safe) during work hours as compared to those who were not diagnosed with similar disease (p>0.05). Participants who spent ≥6 hours in operation theatre at a stretch were more prone to develop musculoskeletal symptoms (p=0.013). CONCLUSION: Majority of participants experienced musculoskeletal symptoms related to work necessitating the need for change in work place practices focusing on maintaining a neutral spine posture.

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