Masoom Raza Mirza, Muhammad Sarwar.
Duodenal tuberculosis.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;20(3):253-5.

Tuberculosis is a world wide communicable disease caused by tubercle bacilli discovered by Robert Kock in 1882. In 1993 WHO declared TB as a global emergency due to its world wide resurgence. It can involve any organ of the body. Abdomen is the fourth commonest site of involvement in the extra pulmonary tuberculosis after the lymph-nodes, skeletal and Genito urinary variants. In the gastro intestinal tract tuberculosis can affect any part from the mouth to the anus but ileocecal area is a favourite location. Duodenal involvement is uncommon and accounts for only 2.5% of tuberculous Enteritis. Major pathogens are Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and bovis and the usual route of entry is by direct penetration of the intestinal mucosa by swallowed organisms.

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