Liaqat Ali, Ghulam Raza Baloch, Muhammad Ali Khan, Samra Zahra.
Screening Tympanometry in school children: criteria for detection of middle ear effusion.
Pak Paed J Jun ;28(1):21-4.

A total of 243 children from various schools of Lahore were invited for screening tympanometry at the Children Hospital, Lahore. After a brief history, probe tip of A-750 tympanometer was inserted at the entrance of ear canal in each ear for 1-2 minutes, and tympanograms were recorded. RESULTS: In all subjects, 188 (77.4%) passed and 55 (22.6%) failed with abnormal tympanograms. Among these, 35 (63.7%) children had chronic otitis media with effusion (OME), 20 (36.3%) children had dysfunctioning of Eustachian tubes. CONCLUSION: Tympanometry is a useful aid for assuring the correct diagnosis of otitis media effusion in children in routine clinical practice.

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