Tayyiba Wasim, Ashraf Majrooh, Saqib Siddiq.
Maternal mortality – One year review at Lahore General Hospital.
Pak Postgrad Med J Jun ;12(3):113-8.

Pakistan has one of the highest MMR in the world. There were 42 deaths and 3182 births during the one-year under study, giving a MMR of 1300 / 100000. Direct obstetrical causes were responsible for 33 (78.5%) of deaths. There was a lack of antenatal checkup, resulting in 85% patients being unbooked, almost all these patients belonged to the poor socioeconomic class and were illiterate as well. Majority (81%) of the patients were young in the age groups of 20-39 years. Sepsis and hemorrhage were the major causes of death, accounting for about 55% deaths.

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