Akhtar Iqbal.
Common types of mental disorders in adult cancer patients seen at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and research centre.
J Ayub Med Coll Abottabad Jun ;16(4):65-9.

Background: Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and adjustment disorders occur in a significant number of cancer patients, particularly as disease advances and as cancer therapies become more aggressive. Methods: 365 newly diagnosed adult cancer patients were interviewed by clinical psychologist and data was collected regarding patients` age. gender, education, home atmosphere, family support system and type of cancer. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Structured Clinical Interview according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fourth version (SCID-IV) were used to record the presence and absence of type of a mental disorder. Data thus collected was analyzed by utilizing SPSS for Windows version 10.0. Results: Adjustment disorders was the most common type of mental disorders seen in 20.8%; depression in 17.8% and anxiety in 16.8%. A statistically significant association between types of mental disorders and patients` age, gender, education, home atmosphere and family support system was observed. Conclusion: A significant number of cancer patients suffer from one or other type of mental disorder. They need special attention of healthcare professionals for proper psychological assessment and management.

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