Shahab Fatmi, Rafaqat A Jafri.
Diagnosis of Warthin`s tumor of parotid gland using radioisotope technique.
J Surg Jun ;27(1):60-1.

A 37 years old lady reported at NORI with 10 years history of swelling at the back of right jaw below the lobule of the ear. Treating surgeon suspected it as Warthin`s Tumour. However, further management was dependant upon confirmation of the diagnosis or otherwise. Repeated biopsies of the swelling had revealed lymphoid hyperplasia. Salivary gland scanning was done with Tc99m Pertechnetate. Serial scanning of the glands were done under the gamma camera. During the study patient was given Tartaric acid to see wash out from the gland and flow of saliva in the mouth. Scan showed good secretion of activity by the salivary glands. After stimulation by tartaric acid, glands drained all the activity into the mouth. No foci of retained activity were noted in any part of the gland mainly the right parotid gland. Region of interest were drawn over both parotid glands and time-activity curves were generated. Curves from both parotid glands showed good upslope and abrupt down slope noted after tartaric acid stimulation.

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