Asim Ashfaq, Irfan Shukr.
Gallstone Ileus: a rare complication of gallstones, and cause of intestinal obstruction.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;55(1):78-9.

The spectrum of causes of intestinal obstruction has changed with time. Although adhesive intestinal obstruction is emerging as most important cause of intestinal obstruction, rare conditions continue to occur sporadically leading to intestinal obstruction. Gall stone ileus is particularly rare complication of gallstones causing intestinal obstruction. It is even rare to have gallstone ileus in two sisters. Usually a fistula is formed between gall bladder and duodenum and gall stone slips to block terminal ileum. Here we present a rare case of gall stone ileus, resulting in intestinal obstruction in an elderly woman. Her sister also had gall stone ileus 25 years ago.

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