Niloufer Sultan Ali.
Evaluation and management of Type II Diabetes for primary care physicians.
Med Today Jun ;1(3):66-73.

The global prevalence of type II diabetes is increasing. However, during the past decade it has increased dramatically and is expected to rise. Type II diabetes is defined as a syndrome characterized by insulin deficiency, insulin resistance and increased hepatic glucose output. This disease is associated with long-term complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy and poses treatment challenges to family practitioners. Currently, there are five distinct classes of hypoglycemic agents available, each class displaying unique pharmacologic properties. Despite the choice of pharmacologic agents, physicians must stress the non-pharmacologic approaches of diet modification, weight control and regular exercise. Combinations of different oral agents may be useful for controlling hyperglycemia before insulin therapy becomes necessary. A stepped care approach to drug therapy may provide the most rational, cost-efficient approach to management of this disease.

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