Ayesha Sarwar, Anwarul Haque.
Astroblastoma: A rare glial tumor.
Int J Pathol Jun ;2(2):101-3.

A five years old girl presented to hospital with weakness of right side of the body for one month. Weakness was sudden in onset and initially it was in the right upper limb. Three days later right lower limb was also affected. CT scan showed a supratentorial left parietal lobe space occupying lesion with solid component measuring 6x5 cm with specks of calcification. Little mid perifocal vasogenic edema was present with mid line shift to the right. The patient underwent temporoparietal craniotomy and excision of the tumor. Pathologic Findings: On microscopic examination tumor had papillary architecture. The neoplastic cells were present around the blood vessels forming pseudorosettes. Cells had round nuclei with uniform chromatin, abundant pink cytoplasm and broad unipolar cytoplasmic processes directed towards the blood vessels. Blood vessels showed collagenous thickening and hyalinization and at places partial fibrous obliteration of the lumina. Mitosis and necrosis were absent. On the basis of a papilliform architecture with formation of perivascular pseudorosettes, a diagnosis of Astroblastoma was made. Absence of necrosis, mitosis and pleomorphism suggested that it was a low grade tumor.

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