Bushra Babar, Nazar Ullah Raja, Ejaz A Khan, Mussarat Hussain.
Congenital tuberculosis revisited - A case report and recent review of literature.
Infect Dis J Jun ;14(3):89-92.

Perinatal tuberculosis, including congenital tuberculosis, is rare. It is a difficult disease to diagnose in the neonatal period. There should be high index of suspicion in a neonate with sepsis-like presentation, non-resolving pneumonia or unexplained illness. Fatality is high if there is a delay in diagnosis. Improved screening of women at risk and awareness is thus essential. This case illustrates the importance of history of maternal illnesses and evaluation including endometrial biopsy; neonatal gastric aspirates for acid-fast bacilli smears and cultures and polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis. Early institution of therapy has successful outcome. A recent review of literature of congenital tuberculosis is also presented.

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