Munir Hamirani, Aftab Imtiaz, Nurul Haque.
Anxiety and depression in pre-operative catractectomy patients: a pilot study.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;10(2):736-41.

Objective: The objective of this study is to use the hospital anxiety & depression scale which is a valid scale to rule out whether these patients are undergoing anxiety or depression prior to surgery. Design: A random surveillance (prospective) Patients and Methods: The department of psychiatry conducted a random survey of all the patients reporting for cataract elective surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology during the months of August and September 2004. In total 52 patients were interviewed, after informed consent out of which fourteen had clinical levels of anxiety where as fourteen had depression. All these patients were rated on a standardized urdu version of hospital anxiety and depression scale. Results: Those suffering from anxiety there were ten females and three males whereas depressed were six males and nine females. In all there was a morbidity of twenty-seven cases out of fifty-two which had either anxiety or depression. Discussion: Local studies as well as international studies carried out have indicated the importance of recognizing and intervening before surgery. This is to enhance recovery and achieve level of satisfaction in surgery patients. The limitation of this study was the small number of cases selected to conduct the study. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression is very common in patients undergoing surgery. Reassurance and counseling is necessary before surgery.

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