Yasmeen Memon, Salma Sheikh, Aslam Memon, Naheed Memon.
Feeding beliefs and practices of mothers / caregivers for their infants.
J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci Jun ;5(1):8-13.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the nutritional practices and beliefs for infants by mothers/care givers in our set up. DESIGN: A descriptive study. SETTING: Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad – Sindh, from 7th November to 16th December, 2001. METHODS: One hundred infants admitted in paediatrics ward were selected for the study. Study was based on a questionnaire, developed to collect information by interviewing mothers to ascertain their infant feeding practices and various beliefs/taboos affecting these practices. RESULTS: One hundred mothers belonging to urban and rural areas were interviewed. At birth, 71% of mothers discarded colostrum. The frequency of breast-feeding was high initially but due to variety of socio-cultural reasons, it declined rapidly with early supplementation of bottle-feeding. Pre-lacteal feeding was a major reason for breast feeding delay. Exclusive breast-feeding was of short duration. Inadequate weaning in terms of quality and quantity was observed common. Cultural beliefs and taboos were affecting the weaning in majority of the cases. CONCLUSION: Lack of maternal education about feeding the infant is significant in our set up. There is, therefore, a need to educate the mothers about correct feeding practices so that healthy growth of the infants can be maintained.

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