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Re: biomedical engineering
this is ihtasham , i have done DAE mechnical from swedish college gujrat so i want to take admission in bs biomedical engg let me ask some info from u about ripha uni can i eligible to take admission kindly help me ?
Re: Re: Re: Re: biomedical engineering
alam ! i want to ask you that i have done my fsc this year and now i am planning to do from SSUET so i need some advice please tell me that is it a good institute for this or not and does one get job easily after graduating from this university . and one thing more to ask is that is there any difference between BSc or BE degree or both are same or have same value and in market which one would be preferable
Re: Re: biomedical engineering
salam ! i want to ask you that i have done my fsc this year and now i am planning to do from SSUET so i need some advice please tell me that is it a good institute for this or not and does one get job easily after graduating from this university . and one thing more to ask is that is there any difference between BSc or BE degree or both are same or have same value and in market which one would be preferable
Re: biomedical engineering
I am Zenab Sarwar , Admissions Incharge at Riphah International University. I want to add Riphah International University is one of the best Private Sector University in Pakistan and offering Biomedical Engineering degree programs. I sugest you visit our website or share contacts with us we will send you relevant info.
Zenab Sarwar
Re: biomedical engineering
assalam_u_alaikum all friends i am Muhammad Talha from Pakistan n i am going to clear my intermediate lavel n my subject is medical n i am not intrested is mbbs i want to chose new profession and i have selected BME plx tell me about the scope of this profession is there job opportunities in this field in Pakistan or in foren

?plz guide me