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side effects of ATT
Table 7.2 Symptom-based approach to side-effects of antituberculosis drugsā
Minor Side Effects Managment
Anorexia, nausea, Gives drugs with small meals or last thing at night
abdomibnal pain
Joint pains Aspirin
Burning sensation in the feet Pyridoxie 10mg daily
(large amount of B6 can inhibit absorbtion of INH)
Orange/red urine Reassurance, Paients should
be told when starting
treatment that this commonly
happens and is normal
Major( Consult doctor)
Itchig, skin rash
Deafess (no was on auroscopy)
Dizziness (vertigo and nystagmus)
Jundice (other causes exluded)
Confusion (suspect drug-induced
acute liver failure if judice present)
Visual impairment
(other caused excluded)
Shock, purpura, acute renal failure