PakMediNet Discussion Forum : Pakistani Drugs : how to choose
how should one choose a reliable pharmaceutical company out of hundreds of them in the market.
Posted by: zainab444Posts: 2 :: 16-08-2004 :: | Reply to this Message
Difficult task. It has been seen that drugs manufactured by Multi-National Pharmaceutical companies have good results compared to local ones, but still I have seen several locally made drugs having good efficacy also.
Posted by: docosamaPosts: 333 :: 17-08-2004 :: | Reply to this Message
yes it is difficult but by the clinical trial and experiecnce one can decide that which drug is good. of course multinational drugs are good but they are expensive. furthermore
docosama wrote:
Difficult task. It has been seen that drugs manufactured by Multi-National Pharmaceutical companies have good results compared to local ones, but still I have seen several locally made drugs having good efficacy also.
Posted by: chughtaiPosts: 22 :: 20-08-2004 :: | Reply to this Message
My dear drug-choicers! AoA
Im plzd 2 draw ur attention 2wads QUALITY rather than QUANTITY.
INTELLECTUALISM backed by ANALYTICAL-OBSERVATIONS s key 2 solution for most of the problems, academically as well as clinically.
(1). Plz don't compromise on QUALITY...
1st keep n ur notice about d QUALITATIVE COMPANIES, i.e. ABBOTT (not of my relatives, but reliability!!!)
(2). Then always keep a PHARMA-GUIDE with u, and peep into dat about best companies' product multiplipied by ur assessment of ur patients' pockest-affordability
(3). Always right "HOWA-SHAFI" at the top of ur recipe (R/)
(4). Do as directed with Tawaqal-to-Alallah
Then se after ur SINCERITY, how result kms...
Pharmaco-ethically urs,
Posted by: md-jr786Posts: 6 :: 14-10-2006 :: | Reply to this Message
Well! i think Govt should take an action and make a standard lab so that that can evaluate the drugs that are produced by local industry or mutlinational industry and then by comparison we can have an idea that which drug is more potent.
Posted by: aftabacPosts: 271 :: 11-12-2006 :: | Reply to this Message
Interesting aspect about the Drugs testing laboratory. Two major laboratories run by the federal government are operating in Pakistan. One is the NIH and the other is the CDL. It is important to bring to everyone's knowledge that both these laboratories are run by people who have no idea about pharmaceutical testing. The equipments and the processes are neither validated nor controlled. Instead of ensuring the availability of quality drugs for the people these laboratories are used as arm twisters therefore I dont think that the laboratories or further laboratories would serve any purpose.
Why dont you just drop into one of these laboratories and ask the person responsible to show him his validation which is required under the law. Trust me!! you are going to get a surprise.
Posted by: flmohammadPosts: 3 :: 04-02-2008 :: | Reply to this Message
Ya this is interesting topic in my view point there is no such difference in multinational and national pharmaceutical companies the importance thing is that how their manufacturing facility and what is the source of active,their quality assurance policy these are important factors which should be consider.
Posted by: MUDASSAR35Posts: 2 :: 22-02-2008 :: | Reply to this Message