Published Articles of October - 2018 : Issue: 34(5)Journal Page
Aftab Ahmed Khan, Adel Zia Siddiqui, Syed Fareed Mohsin, Badreldin Abdelrhaman Mohamed Sociodemographic Characteristics as Predictors of Satisfaction in Public and Private Dental Clinics. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1152-7.
Durr-e Samin, Muhammad Saif-ur Rehman, Muhammad Shahnawaz-ul Rehman, Muhammad Sajjad Khan Association of with early age onset of breast cancer patients in selected cohort from Pakistani population. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1158-63.
Syeda Namrah Mahmood, Umaiza Bashir Development and Validation of Neuro-Cognitive Assessment Battery for Stroke patients (NCABS) in Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1164-71.
Amir Zeb, Aatik Arsh, Sher Bahadur, Syed Muhammad Ilyas Effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in management of neuropathic pain in patients with post traumatic incomplete spinal cord injuries. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1177-80.
Muhammad Kashif Salman, Muhammad Sohail Ashraf, Sumaira Iftikhar, Mirza Ahmad Raza Baig Frequency of nasal carriage of among health care workers at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1181-4.
Ali Haider, Syed Mamun Mahmud Pericatheter urethrogram after anastomotic urethroplasty: is it a must?. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1191-4.
Arshi Naz, Samina Naz Mukry, Imran Naseer, Tahir Sultan Shamsi Evaluation of efficacy of serological methods for detection of HCV infection in blood donors: a single centre experience. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1204-8.
Aamir Habib, Zulfiqar Ali Amin, Syed Hassan Raza, Sobia Aamir Diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid adenosine deaminase in detecting Tuberculous Meningitis. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1215-8.
Imran Ijaz Haider, Farah Tiwana, Noor Zohra, Khaleeq-ur Rehaman Development and validation of assessment of psycho-education of carers questionnaire: an early experience. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1237-41.
Shabnam Nadeem, Tazeen Fatima Munim, Hareem Fatima Hussain, Deebaj Fatima Hussain Determinants of Vitamin D deficiency in asymptomatic healthy young medical students. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1248-52.
Nawwaf Al Hamoudi, Sameer Mokeem, Tariq Abdul Jabbar, Fahim Vohra, Zohaib Akram Self-perceived oral symptoms and periodontal inflammatory conditions in habitual dippers. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1272-7.
Asfandyar Asghar, Imran Ellhai, Naila Obaid, Ume Sughra Role of topical antibiotics in prophylaxis against endophthalmitis following intravitreal antibiotics. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1283-7.
Nazish Imran, Fatima Rumesa, Farhat Jamil Comorbid Schizophrenia and Anorexia nervosa in an adolescent male. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1297-9.
Qurat-ul Ain, Arshad Nawaz Malik, Umama Haq, Sehrish Ali Effect of task specific circuit training on Gait parameters and mobility in stroke survivors. Pak J Med Sci Oct 2018;34(5):1300-3.
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