Published Articles of September - 1999 : Issue: 10(2-3)Journal Page
Syed Zahed Rasheed, Abdus Samad Exercise Stress Test early after acute Myocardial Infarction: predictive value for subsequent development of Congestive Cardiac Failure. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):41-6.
Boshtam M, Sarraf, Rafiei M, Naderi G A, Samarian H The relation between Creatine Kinase, Magnesium and Fibrinogen in patients with acute Myocardial Infarction. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):47-53.
Ayub M, Tariq Waseem, Arif Nadeem, Irshad Hussain, Abdul Wadood Khalid, Sardar Fakhar Imam, Abdul Hafeez Khan Risk stratification of patients presenting with first acute Myocardial Infarction with serum Cardiac Troponin-T. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):54-62.
Syed Zahed Rasheed, Abdus Samad Exercise Stress Test early after acute Myocardial Infarction: significance and predictive value of rate pressure product. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):63-7.
Muhammad Ashraf Roll of Troponin-T in acute Myocardial Infarction. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):68-70.
Riaz Ishaq Khan, Hasina Chagani, Nehal Zafar Cardiac Catheterization at Civil Hospital Karachi - three years experience. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):71-3.
Hasina Chagani, Feroz Memon, Aftab Mahmood Epidemiology of heart failure. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):74-7.
Syed Faizul Hassan Rizvi, Shukat Ali Rao Sudden Cardiac death in a child while on Halofantrine treatment - A case report. Pak J Cardiol Sep 1999;10(2-3):78-9.
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