Tufail Ahmed Baloch, Pervez Iqbal.
Cryptorchidism in adults.
Med Channel Jun ;12(1):61-2.

OBJECTJVE: To evaluate the causes of late presentation in our population STUDY DESIGN: Cases presenting with cryptorchidism above the age of 14 years from January 2000 to December 2004, that got operated at surgical unit V & Lyari General Hospital were studied. MATERJAL & METHODS: Twenty six patients operated in the above mentioned institutes were included in the study. INCLUSION CRITERIA: All male patients with of age 14 years or above with empty scrotum admitted in surgical wards through OPD. EXCLUSION CRJTERIA: All patients with retractile testes were excluded from the study. METHODS: Patients were admitted after proper diagnosis and clinical examination i.e either swelling or empty scrotum. In impalpable testes apart from base line investigation i.e U/S abdomen was also done. In case of bilateral undescended testes hormonal assay of HCG, FSH & LH were also carried out. RESULTS: 16 patients(57%) of the patients didn`t present due to ignorance. 8 patients(29%) had consulted a rural practioners or quack; & were not guided further, other 4 patients(14%) did not present due to shyness. Three patients with bilateral cryptorchidism had infertility. CONCLUSION: This present study revealed that many treating rural practioners, quacks and paramedics were equally responsible for the late presentation of the patients. There is a need for thorough physical examination following birth by attending obstetrician, pediatrician and other practicing physicians. An advice for early corrective surgery will go a long way in reducing the complications due to late presentation.

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