Muhammad Umar Farooq, Murtaza Ahsan Ansari, Khadim Qureshi.
The incidence of foreign bodies and its management in E.N.T. practice.
Med Channel Jun ;12(4):30-4.

OBJECTIVE : To evaluate foreign body (F.B.) cases in the upper aerodigestive tract and to find out the outcome in their management, in children and adults. STUDY DESIGN : On going prospective study. SETTINGS : This study was carried out in the department of ENT–Head & Neck Surgery, Lyari Gen. Hospital, Karachi for a period of one year from 1st August 2005 to 31st July, 2006 PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients who visited the Emergency Department or Department of ENT –Head & Neck Surgery, Lyari General Hospital, Karachi, from 1st August 2005 to 31st July, 2006 with a history of F.B. in ear, nose throat, esoghagus or bronchus. RESULTS : Out of 786 patients registered in the study, 652 (83%) were children (age 0-15 years ), while 134 (17%) were adults (age above 15 years. The male to female ratio was 1.1:1 The commonest site of impaction of FB was ear in 45.67%, followed by nose. Among children, betel nut was the commonest FB found in 124 (15.77 %), followed by rubber pieces in 89 (11.32%), plastic beads in 79 (10.09 %), stones in 63 (8 %) etc. Coin was found in 38 (4.83 %) in the region of cricopharynx and upper oesophagus. The commonest FB among adults was the fish bone in 52 (6.61%), CONCLUSION : Betel nut is the commonest FB found in children in our region, in this study. 17% of all FB occur in adult age groups. The commonest FB found in adult Age group is fish bone found in 52 patients (6.61% of all FB) Rhinolith was the only FB found in adult noses

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