Muhammad Yasir Khan, Abdul Saeed Khan, Farooq Ahmed, Anjum Khawar, Altaf Hussain.
Prevalence of verrucous carcinoma in laryngeal cancers and their metastatic potential.
Proceeding Shaikh Zayed Postgrad Med Inst Jun ;20(1):17-20.

Objectives: To study the frequency of: (1) Verrucous carcinoma in malignant laryngeal tumours (2) Lymph node metastasis in patients with laryngeal verrucous carcinoma. Study design: Descriptive study. Method of sampling: Purposive type. Place and Duration of study: Department of ENT and head and neck surgery, Pakistan institute of medical sciences, Islamabad. Period of study extended from 1St January 2001 to 31st December 2003. Subjects and methods: Frequency of verrucous carcinoma was evaluated among One hundred and twenty ,(120) cases of malignant laryngeal tumours presented and primarily diagnosed in our ENT department. Cases of verrucous carcinoma were also evaluated for presence or absence of lymph node metastasis. Results: Frequency of verrucous carcinoma in malignant laryngeal tumours was 2.5%. None of these patients had palpable lymph nodes at the time of presentation. Conclusion: Verrucous carcinoma in our population is relatively uncommon disease. Lymph node involvement is rare even with advanced t umours.

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